Sunday, September 26, 2010

Laser Hair Removal

Excess or unwanted hair can be safely and effectively removed using a variety of lasers. Compared to other methods of hair removal such as waxing, plucking, cream depilatories and electrolysis, lasers provide much more efficient removal of hair with longer lasting results.

The application of laser technology to the removal of hair has been developed and studied extensively in our Research Department at the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York. In order to achieve the optimal results in all skin types, we have a wide variety of laser technology available including the long pulsed alexandrite laser (GentleLase), the super long pulsed diode laser (LightSheer), the long pulsed ruby laser (Epilaser) and the long pulsed Nd: YAG laser (Cool Glide).

How it Works 

Laser hair removal utilizes various wavelengths of light which are absorbed as heat energy in the pigmented regions of the hair follicles. The light energy produces heat damage in the hair follicle cells and the follicles stop producing long, dark hairs.

Laser hair removal is safe to use on all areas of the body. Most people require approximately 5 to 7 treatment sessions to produce long lasting hair removal in a given area. Treatment sessions are usually performed at 1 to 2 month intervals, depending on the area of skin being treated.

For successful treatment, the root of the hairs must be present under the skin during laser treatment. For this reason, we advise not to pluck, wax or use cream depilatories between treatments. Saving or clipping the hair between treatments is the best approach.

Following each laser treatment, there is typically no hair growth for several weeks, at which point fewer hairs will regrow which are usually lighter in color, thinner and softer. With each subsequent laser treatment, fewer and fewer hairs will regrow. 

Depending on the area being treated, there can be some discomfort during the procedure. For sensitive areas, such as the bikini line or the underarms, or for the treatment of large areas such as the full legs or back, patients can elect to have topical anesthetic cream applied before treatment. This cream is applied one hour before the procedure, and significantly minimizes treatment discomfort. Most patients treating smaller areas of skin do not require the anesthetic cream.

Following laser treatment, there may be some pinkness and swelling of the laser treated area which may last for minutes to hours, and patients can go about their normal activities immediately following treatment.

Who is a Candidate for this Procedure?

With our cutting edge, up-to-date array of laser technology, we can safely treat any skin type including skin of color. All hair colors with the exception of white and blonde hairs respond well to laser treatment. Depending on the hair and skin color combination, the physician will choose the optimal laser system for each individual patient.

Laser Hair Removal Improved Razor Bumps and Ingrown Hairs

A study performed at our Center, which was published in the Archives of Dermatology, demonstrated that laser hair removal is the best approach for razor bumps, ingrown hairs or what is medically termed "pseudofolliculitis". This condition is caused by cut hairs, following shaving or waxing, which curl and grow into the skin causing inflammation. When this condition is present for long periods of time, it can result in scarring and skin discoloration.

Laser hair removal is the best treatment available to date for improving this condition. By destroying the ingrown hair under the skin, the pimples and bumps disappear. The skin discoloration and skin texture can dramatically improve as well from these treatments. laser treatment of ingrown hair produces long lasting results because the hair follicles that produce these hairs are damaged and destroyed, preventing the reappearance of this condition. A variety of laser systems can be used for this indication, and all skin types and colors can be safely treated for razor bumps and ingrown hairs.

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